Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Autumn's finery...

Taking time to think up thoughts 
and consider the next few weeks
with my husband/best friend away again
Finding beautiful places where Autumn goes to town
in all of it's finery to do such thinking.
Obsessing (in these thoughts) about weight loss & running
But also remembering to slow, 
and to stroll...

~ all things in moderation ~
So in taking time to think up thoughts
I celebrate the day with distance running
followed by hot porriage
Strong tea to counter
the Autumn chill
Warm words to love and support my husband from afar...
Finding new ways to nourish my children
and myself
in every way.
Every day,
I celebrate.

Shell xx

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So after an absolute marathon of a Saturday [pun intended] - my friend and I decided we would make a  true culinary treat of our Sunday - because while working hard is my favourite pass time - playing hard, and eating well is the delight and the balance of what life is all about in my opinion!  And what better way to treat one's self than with homemade Sunday brunch!
  Cucumber sandwiches, fresh fruit, poached eggs & sourdough toast!
And I whipped up my first ever batch of buttery homemade scones from an old English recipe!
On Monday the banquet continued after I rose with the sun and laced up my running shoes to complete another 4K run before diverting past my raspberry bush for these beauties to jazz up my porridge!
And lunch looked like left over quiche, freshly picked parsley, carrot sticks, hommus and green tea.

It felt like a celebration.  Which food always is to me.  I love being more accountable for what I eat of late, which somehow, and most unusually, makes every meal I prepare and partake in taste even better!

Wishing you a delicious week!

Shell xx

Saturday, April 14, 2012

{Red earrings} Run Faster...

 When I decided to learn to run in 8 weeks with the 5K Runner app back in January, I never realised how it was going to make every single step I took, and hopefully will ever take, more confident, more focused (body and mind), and more forward than ever before...

Then when I decided to get the right shoes for my green little runner's feet in February, I could not have known how good it would be for me to run with the right gear - with thanks to great advice from the shoe fitting lady - and the woman sitting next to me also buying shoes who, knowing these were my first ever running shoes, suggested I enter the 5K event at the Australian Running Festival.
 But today, I know...

I know about training, and energy, and sweat, and nervousness, the buzz of the crowd assembling to run, and family on the sidelines to cheer.  The sound of the stater horn, and the thumping of hundreds of surrounding pairs of feet.

Of the fresh air, observing beautiful old oaks and pines in a stunning old Canberra district.  Of careful, measured breaths, and knowing that red earrings, run faster!

Of hearing my Nike+GPS app in my pocket counting down the Kilometers, and knowing I had run them, every step.  Of keeping upright, and reminding myself to always look forward, never down...

Of being tired and wanting to stop, but not stopping.  Just keeping going, with just a prayer in my heart, a mantra in my mind, my love running by my side, and complete, sheer determination to get to the finishing line.

And today, I did it!
That's all.

Shell xx

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter on my table...

Over the last few days there have been many Easter activities and preparations happening on and around my table(s).
 On Good Friday my children, along with one of my nieces & two of my nephews all painted eggs together and talked about the wonderful, inspiring love of a God who would allow his only son to die for all of our sins...
Many attractive baskets were assembled and photographed!
 For lunch on Easter Sunday today, I went the whole 'hog' and put on a roast, with baked potatoes, carrot, onion, corn and peas as a celebration of new life
 ~ a risen Lord ~ 
a sunny autumn day, and as a homecoming feast for my dearest and darling-est husband who has been away for nearly this entire month past!
 With benches cleared, and the dishwasher on, I spent the afternoon at my sunroom table decorating edible Easter gifts for my beautiful extended family in preparation for an afternoon tea (which was actually incredibly wonderful mother-in-law homemade coffee!) + an easter egg hunt for the children amongst the trees and groves of our precious garden home.

 So I have spent the weekend with my table covered in homemade treats, and handmade offerings for a season which I always proclaim as a particular favourite - for the beautiful crisp time of year, for the symbolism, the incredible love and the sacrifice from my God, made for me.  And for the occasion to make beauty and love, an extra special priority, for my family, from my table.

Happy Easter.  With all my blessings to you and yours.

Shell xx